India’s biggest game, the critically acclaimed Raji: An Ancient Epic, released a mobile version this week. It’s currently available for free, through Netflix’s Games section, for iOS and Android devices.
Many challenges were presented to making a fast paced action platformer originally developed for consoles and PCs, playable on mobile devices. One issue was Raji’s long flowing dress, originally cloth simulated through Nvidia’s Apex Clothing Solver, could not be ported to mobile devices in this way because Nvidia never released a module for iOS.
Man of Motion was brought on to assist with this problem. After researching various methods, we recommended and developed a decomposition pipeline that allowed us to simulate the dress with nCloth physics in Maya, and then bake the cloth physics to an array of bones. The pipeline allowed us to control the look of the cloth even through some of her very tight acrobatic moves, and it was also fast enough that we ran through all 250+ of her animations in only a few days.
The result is visually lossless from actual cloth physics, but is purely animation data and does not involve any cloth physics calculation.
We also simplified and optimized the Raji rig, removing enough bones from other parts of her body that, even with the bones we added for her dress, the overall number of bones remains the same.
This was only one of the many challenges of porting Raji to mobile devices, but it was one that Man of Motion was grateful to assist in solving.
Raji: An Ancient Epic is available on mobile devices for free, through the Netflix App’s Game Section.